Wednesday 7 October 2009

Mental slap!

Where the hell does all the time go?  One minute it was last week and now it's this week....jeez, it's crazy!  The individual days seem to drag in but when you put them all together the collective week seems to fly by which is extremely scary.  Don't get me wrong, I want to get past this point as fast as possible but I don't have enough time to do all the things I want to do and I just know I'm going to get the news I've been hoping for when I'm least expecting it - as you always do - and I'll be running round like a headless chicken panicking and clucking like there's no tomorrow!  Aaaaaaaaargh!!!!

So it's time for a mental slap, right?  Not sure if I have the courage to do's a bit like ripping the wax strip off your own bikini line!  You know you have to do it or it'll just sit there going all gooey and nasty so you slowly reach down and grab it by the edges like it says in the instructions....keeping your eyes closed and biting down on your lip like that's going to help,!!!!!  Owwww!!!!!!

Now all you're left with is a red, sore patch of skin...not all of the hairs have been removed and you look a bit like a scalped chicken but you know that you can always tweezer the others out at a later date when the pain has receded.  You still have to go over the area with some astringent to close the pores and clean the excess wax off but you feel the relief when you apply the moisturiser afterwards and then you can attempt to put your trousers back on and sit down comfortably knowing that it'll look better in a day or two. 

I think I do quite a good analogy!!  Sounds about all I have to do is get that astringent out then slap on some moisturiser and I'll be away!  Ready to fight another day!  Maybe next time I'll use a  mental depilatory cream.....xx

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